Taiji Training at the Monastery
Relaxing – Taiji – Feeling Good at Huysburg Monastery
for persons with movement disorders or Parkinson’s disease
Date: 13-16 October 2019
Kloster Huysburg, Huysburg 2, 38838 Huy-Dingelstedt
phone +49 39425 961-0
Cost of seminar: 238,- € (VAT incl.)
Singe room accommodation 198,- € (full board incl.)
Teacher: Mirko Lorenz
Please contact Mirko to register:
phone (office) +49 531 5807920
mobile phone +49 176 84789952
email info@taiji-therapie.de
The cost of this seminar may be eligible for partial refunding – please check with your health insurance company!
Taiji Training at the Monastery
Relaxing – Taiji – Feeling Good at Huysburg Monastery
for persons with movement disorders or Parkinson’s disease
Date: 04-08 May 2020
Kloster Huysburg, Huysburg 2, 38838 Huy-Dingelstedt
phone +49 39425 961-0
Cost of seminar: 300,- € (VAT incl.)
Singe room accommodation 273,50 € (full board incl.)
Double room accommodation 257,50 € (full board incl.)
Teacher: Mirko Lorenz
Please contact Mirko to register:
phone (office) +49 531 5807920
mobile phone +49 176 84789952
email info@taiji-therapie.de
Relaxing – Taiji – Feeling Good at Huysburg Monastery
Relaxation tai chi well-being is a movement program in a monastic atmosphere where rest and relaxation are in the foreground. It is suitable for people with movement disorders and Parkinson’s disease and makes special use of the health benefits of the TaiChi. In addition, there are always highlights such as archery, Qigong and theoretical lectures.